Friday December 26th
A very quiet and pleasant walk along the top of the Eastcliffs at the Grove, with very few birds apart from a pair of great tits (not the ones pictured right which were photographed several years ago!).
Friday December 19th
Walking along the Eastcliffs at Southwell we were glad of the shelter from the cold south-westerly wind.
In fact it felt quite warm, but not warm enough to tempt the wall lizards out.
Friday August 22nd
Setting out in a cold (for August!) northerly wind we were grateful for the shelter as we dropped down into the quarry.
We had been talking about stock doves so were pleased to see a pair fly over the quarry.
Very few other birds were seen but we did get a brief view of the resident little owl.
Friday August 1st
A quick visit to the Eastcliffs to check on the newly-fledged peregrine chicks produced just a very tired-looking adult female sat on the cliff.
A rock pipit family was far more obliging feeding on the cliff and path.
The fields above the path were full of linnets and sparrows and the cliff edge producing our first two autumn migrants - a willow warbler and a whitethroat.
Lower down the cliff the Portland rock sea-lavender was in full flower.
Friday July 25th
Another peregrine survey and another negative result as far as breeding goes - although we did see both adults on the cliff.
The kestrels have clearly fared better with two very healthy looking young gliding around the cliff-top.
Friday July 18th
Today's visit was specifically to check up on how the peregrines were doing and to try to find out if they had any young this year.
As we didn't manage to see any at all I have to assume that this pair hasn't managed to breed.
Sunday June 8th
Absolutely beautiful weather to day for a walk around the quarries at the best time of year.
The colours were amazing, as you can see from the photo.
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
common lizard | silver Y | common blue |
Friday May 30th
After nine years of regular visits to the Bill to see a puffin today we finally managed to find one!
It was with at least 300 other auks, mostly guillemots, but fortunately decided to float past closer than most of them.
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Thursday May 22nd
A wet walk around Kingbarrow in the morning produced very little in the way of wildlife so I've listed the geology instead!
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
wall brown on wood spurge | common blue | dingy skipper |
Friday April 18th
We decided to catch up on a few migrants by searching the Topfields for some of the birds that had been seen there recently.
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Friday April 11th
A beautiful day for a walk round the windmill fields.
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Friday February 21st
A quick look for toads at the eastern side of Silklake revealed nothing so we continued down into Yeolands to escape the wind.
© Jos Mannering |
Friday February 7th
After the Great Storm of Feb 5th we decided to check out the condition of the beach first-hand.
We found it to be covered with depressions of all sizes, presumably caused by sea-water under-mining the pebbles and causing local collapses.
Some of these extended as far as the eastern edge of the beach where they opened out into small versions of the familiar "canns" that have always been found along the beach.
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Friday January 10th
A search for the mythical long-tailed duck was, once again, fruitless but we did see plenty of birds including the best view yet of the black guillemot and a fly-by kingfisher!
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Friday January 3rd
A pleasing start to the year with our named objectives achieved.
These were to a) find a great skua and b) enjoy a coffee in the Lobster Pot cafe.
In fact we managed to achieve both objectives simultaneously with the first skua arriving just as the waitress brought the coffees and a second being spotted as we were half way through them!
© Bob Ford/Nature Portfolio |
Birds (137 species) Great Northern Diver Black-throated Diver Red-throated Diver Little Grebe Great-crested Grebe Slavonian Grebe Storm Petrel Leach's Petrel Fulmar Manx Shearwater Balearic Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Gannet Shag Cormorant Glossy Ibis Little Egret Dark-bellied Brent Goose Pale-bellied Brent Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose Mute Swan Mallard Teal Shoveler Wigeon Pintail Velvet Scoter Goldeneye Eider Red-breasted Merganser Goosander Long-tailed Duck Red Kite Marsh Harrier Buzzard Merlin Kestrel Peregrine Sparrowhawk Wood Pigeon Stock Dove Collared Dove Great Skua Great Black-backed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Yellow-legged Gull Herring Gull Mediterranean Gull Black-headed Gull Common Gull Little Gull Kittiwake Curlew Oystercatcher Woodcock Snipe Jacksnipe Bar-tailed Godwit LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Redshank Lapwing Golden Plover Grey Plover Ringed Plover Purple Sandpiper Dunlin Knot Turnstone Pheasant BRÜNNICH'S GUILLEMOT BLACK GUILLEMOT Guillemot Razorbill Puffin Little Owl Short-eared Owl HOOPOE WRYNECK Skylark Swift Swallow House Martin Sand Martin WOODCHAT SHRIKE RED-BACKED SHRIKE Meadow Pipit Tree Pipit Rock Pipit Pied Wagtail White Wagtail Grey Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Wren Dunnock Grasshopper Warbler (heard) Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Garden Warbler Blackcap Whitehroat Lesser Whitethroat Chiffchaff Willow Warbler YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER Goldcrest Firecrest Spotted Flycatcher Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Stonechat Whinchat Robin Wheatear Redstart Black Redstart White-spotted Bluethroat Blackbird Fieldfare Redwing Song Thrush Starling Rook Jackdaw Carrion Crow Raven Magpie Jay House Sparrow Linnet Siskin Redpoll Goldfinch Chaffinch Bullfinch Greenfinch Crossbill Yellowhammer Mammals (10 species) British Primitive Goat Common Shrew Grey Squirrel Brown Rat Oryctolagus cuniculus Brown Hare Red Fox Roe Deer (prints) Grey Seal Bottle-nosed Dolphin Reptiles (4 species) Common Lizard Wall Lizard Slow-worm Adder Amphibians (2 species) Common Frog Common Toad Fossils (6 species) Belemnite Lopha gregarea Nucleolites clunicularis (sea urchin) Titanites giganteus (ammonite) Trigonia gibbosa (oss's head) |
Butterflies (28 species) Adonis Blue Chalkhill Blue Clouded Yellow Comma Common Blue Dingy Skipper Gatekeeper Grayling Green-veined White Holly Blue Large White Large Skipper Lulworth Skipper Marbled White Meadow Brown Painted Lady Peacock Red Admiral Ringlet Silver-studded Blue Small Blue Small Copper Small Heath Small Skipper Small Tortoiseshell Small White Speckled Wood Wall Moths (25 species) Brown-tail Cinnabar Cream-spot Tiger Dark Arches Heart and Club Heart and Dart Jersey Tiger Knot Grass L-album Wainscot Large Yellow Underwing Lesser Yellow Underwing Light Brocade Marbled Minor Mother Shipton Oak Eggar Poplar Hawk-moth Portland Riband Wave Shuttle-shaped Dart Six-spot Burnet Speckled Yellow Treble Lines Vine's Rustic White Ermine White-point Yellow Shell Other Insects (14 species) 7-spot Ladybird Dark Bush-cricket Drone-fly Harlequin Ladybird Honey Bee Ivy Bee Meadow Grasshopper Oil Beetle Roesel's Bush-cricket Rose Chafer Speckled Bush-cricket Summer Chafer Swollen-thighed Beetle Volucella zonaria Marine Life (28 species) Ray spp (egg-case) Garfish Triggerfish Greater Spotted Dogfish Lesser Spotted Dogfish Goose Barnacles Spider Crab Edible Crab Hydroid Whelk Cuttlefish Blue-rayed Limpet Flat Winkle Rough Winkle Toothed Topshell Beadlet Anemone Snakelocks Anemone Seasquirt Dead Man's Fingers Pink Sea-fan Knotted Wrack Channeled Wrack Spiral Wrack Bladder Wrack Sea Lettuce Carragheen Laminaria saccharina Laminaria digitata Saccorhiza polyschides Fungi (6 species) Dryad's Saddle Field Blewits Field Mushroom Honey Fungus Velvet Shank Shaggy Inkcap |
Plants (195 species) Agrimony Alexanders Annual Beard Grass Annual Meadow Grass Annual Mercury Annual Wall Rocket Autumn Gentian Autumn Ladies Tresses Bastard Toadflax Bee Orchid Birdsfoot Trefoil Biting Stonecrop Black Medick Black Mustard Black Spleenwort Blackthorn Bladder Campion Brackish Water Crowfoot Bramble Bristly Ox-tongue Broad-leaved Dock Broad-leaved Eyebright Buddleia Bulbous Buttercup Bulbous Meadow Grass Bulrush Burnet Saxifrage Bush Vetch Calamint Carline Thistle Cats-tail Charlock Clematis Cocksfoot Common Broomrape Common Centaury Common Elder Common Gromwell Common Ragwort Common Storksbill Common Toadflax Cotoneaster microphyllus Cotoneaster simonsii Cow Parsley Cowslip Creeping Buttercup Creeping Cinquefoil Crested Dogstail Crow Garlic Daisy Dandelion Dogwood Dropwort Dwarf Elder Early Gentian Early Purple Orchid English Bluebell False Brome False Oat-grass Fennel Fern Grass Field Penny-cress Field Speedwell Fodder Burnet Germander Speedwell Golden-rod Golden Samphire Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil Greater Plantain Great Hairy Willowherb Great Mullein Grey Willow Hairy Bittercress Hairy Rockcress Hard Rush Harebell Hartstongue Fern Hawkweed Ox-tongue Hawthorn Hedge Bedstraw Hemp Agrimony Herb Robert Hoary Plantain Hoary Ragwort Hoary Stock Hogweed Holly Holm Oak Honeysuckle Hop Trefoil Horseshoe Vetch Horsetail Ivy Ivy Broomrape Ivy-leaved Toadflax Japanese Knotweed Kidney Vetch Lady's Bedstraw Lady's Mantle Lesser Centaury Lesser Reedmace London Plane Maidenhair Fern Maidenhair Spleenwort Male Fern Marjoram Meadow Vetchling Milkwort Mouse-ear Hawkweed Musk Mallow Olive Willow Oxford Ragwort Pear Pendulous Sedge Polypody Portland Rock Sea-lavender Portland Spurge Prickly Sow-thistle Purple Toadflax Pyramidal Orchid Quaking Grass Red Fescue Red Valerian Restharrow Ribwort Plantain Rock Samphire Rock Sea Lavender Rock Stonecrop Rough Meadow Grass Round-leaved Cranesbill Round-leaved Fluellen Rue-leaved Saxifrage Rye Grass Sainfoin Saw-wort Sea Beet Sea Holly Sea Kale Sea Lavender Sea Mayweed Sea Radish Sea Spleenwort Shining Cranesbill Slender Thistle Soft Brome Soft Cranesbill Slime Mould Small Scabious Smooth Sow-thistle Spanish Bluebell Spear Thistle Spindle Tree Spotted Medick Square-stemmed Willowherb Squinancywort Stemless Thistle Stinging Nettle Stinking Iris Strawberry Clover Tall Fescue Teasel Thrift Timothy Tor Grass Toothed Medick Upright Brome Upright Hedge Parsley Viper's Bugloss Wall Barley Wall Rocket Wall Rue Wall Speedwell Wallflower Wayfaring Tree Weld Welted Thistle Western Polypody Whitebeam White Stonecrop Wild Cabbage Wild Carrot Wild Clary 'Wild' Gladiolus Wild Leek Wild Madder Wild Privet Wild Thyme Winter Heliotrope Wood Sage Wood Spurge Wormwood Yellow Horned-poppy Yellow Oat-grass Yellow Vetch Yellow Vetchling Yellow-wort Yorkshire Fog |