I was watching a drake teal from the North Hide this morning when I noticed something moving around behind it...
A snipe!
Although these are very common birds at Radipole and Lodmoor I usually only see them as they fly off.
Their amazingly cryptic feather patterns makes them very hard to find in the marshy areas where they feed.
I moved a bit closer to this bird to get some more footage.
It obviously knew I was there, I expect it could hear me moving around, but decided the feeding was just too good to move away from this spot.
Still very nervous, the snipe carried on feeding but every now and again stopped to indulge in bit of "bobbing", moving up and down on the spot.
I can only think this slight movement helps its camouflage, at least it might on a breezy day when the foliage is moving about as well.
As it moved it gave me all-round views of its lovely plumage from all sides as it fed busily in the marsh.
And finally a great view of that incredible bill as the bird stretched up from its usual crouching position.